Chances are, if you are here, you want to take your color skills to a new level.  Color is the core of the design process and yet, where most mistakes are made.  It is the first thing we notice so if done incorrectly, it will set the tone for the rest of the space. Most people select color based on a good eye or good instincts, or their perception of what makes a beautiful color palette. The result may be a redundancy or projects that look alike or a fear of giving a room what is actually deserves. 

The Confident Color System was created to help you gain confidence by understanding the whys of the process.  That is the key…knowing why you put the sofa there or select a certain color palette. Because when you tell your clients the why and not your opinion, the advice you provide grows in value…which means your business and your worth increases. 

Start learning in minutes with the Online class. Our live classes are currently on pause.


What makes the
Confident Color System unique?

1. Longest running color certification class in country geared to decorating, design, and staging professionals. 

 2. Most color certification classes focus on primarily paint. In our highly interactive class, students will work with fabrics, furniture, décor, and more, because color impacts every element of the space. Color is so much more than paint.

3. Practical skills and tools you can implement immediately, including our unique Color at a Glance Handbook. 

5. The Confident Consultation System and Comfort Zone Budget System

6. Based not only on the science of color but over 40 years of working in the field in thousands of rooms. Any question you have…we’ve been there. 

7. Confident Color Certified Professional Designation. CCCP

5.  The nuances of color are driven by hue family and hue bias. Color is generational and impacted by its neighbors. Once you understand that, you will quickly know what goes with what. 

6. Our proprietary Confident Color System Coding that will allow you to look at a color and identify it’s best coordinates in minutes.  Inspired by the Munsell System, this is truly color made easy.

What will Students
learn and receive in this class?

Students will learn:

  1. The 3 most important questions to ask a client…and what not to ask
  2. How to establish the purpose and goal of your colors
  3. Where a color is placed is as important as what color is selected
  4. How to create Perfect and Pleasing Palettes in Minutes
  5. How to eliminate 75% of the colors in a deck in 3 minutes
  6. Hue Bias, Hue Family, Undertones, Overtones, and what matters
  7. Turning Color into Cash-the business of color

Students will receive:

  1. Color Harmonies at a Glance Handbook
  2. Confident Consultation Forms Kit
  3. Confident Color System Certification
  4. One on One Coaching Session with Instructor
  5. Virtual Support Materials and Resources
  6. Bonus Webinars
  7. Private FB Group

Student Will Provide: 

Color Wheel
Sherwin Williams Fan Deck
